We keep your space professionally clean with optional deliveries of delicious blue zone-inspired meals to your home or office. Enjoy healthy dining and a spotless environment with our exceptional serv…
Hello. I'll be glad to help you with cleaning. Cleaning is more of a hobby to me. When doing my work, I pay attention to details and I'm careful not to break anything. I'm looking for a regular clea…
Hello. I am a huge fan of things to be neat and tidy and I could help you have that. I pay close attention to details and I like to give only my best in every single minor and major responsibility I …
Hello! It's very grateful for me to help others maintain the balance in life. With my service you can get home at found everything like you like. I'm Portuguese and i had experience here in Switzerla…
I work with dedication and efficiency, paying attention to the smallest details, as if the place I was cleaning was my own. Always thinking about the well-being that my clients will have when being in…
I am a dedicated and detail-oriented cleaning lady with over five years of experience in providing exceptional household cleaning service. I am passionate about helping people keep their homes clean,…
Hallo, ich bin Soraia. Ich suche arbeit in privathausern fur die reinigung. Ich portugiesisch spreche ich ein wenig italienisch, Englisch und spanisch und verstehen, ein wenig deutsch.
Als Alltagsmanagerin biete ich professionelle und persönliche Hilfe im Haushalt an. Ich unterstütze Familien vor und nach der Geburt und Personen in besonderen Lebenslagen, egal ob aufgrund eines Unfa…
Hello, my name is Jamilah. I speak some little German and perfect English. I have permit C. I have a driving I'm reliable . Trust worthy looking forward to work according to your need and wish. hard…
Hi everyone! My name is Aneta and I work as a house cleaner since almost 15 years. Im looking for a longterm, legal work at private household. If needed I can provide references from curent clien…
Guten Tag. Ich bin Putzfrau in verschiedenen Haushalten. Bei der Reinigung achte ich auf jedes Detail, bin fleissig und lasse Vorsicht walten. Ich freue mich, von lhnen zu hören!
Mein Name ist Claudia. Ich suche einen Job. Ich habe viel Erfahrung mit Privatreinigung, Büroreinigung, in Hotels als Zimmermädchen, in Pflegeheim als Pflegehelferin.
I am very good at cleaning deeply, I am very detailed with the things that no one else notices, I am very careful, I treat the houses I clean like my own house. I will always have a good disposition a…
Hello, I'm Fabia, from Brazil, and I moved to Switzerland a few months ago. I'm a person who give my best in everything I do. I'm a fast learner, detail oriented and strive for constant improvement. I…
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