Hey! My name is Julia, I'm from Ukraine. looking for a job for myself. I love cleanliness and everything to be perfect. diligent, fast. Let me help your home shine! I work in apartments. If you n…
I am a hardworking, reliable, and detail-oriented household helper. I take pride in keeping homes clean, organized, and comfortable because I believe an organized space is essential for a well-balance…
Hello. I am a friendly, hard-working and responsible person, who works well alone or in a group. I am detail oriented, reliable and flexible, everything I do - I do it 100% I moved to Saas-Fee a mo…
Vielseitige Reinigung Guten Tag. Ich bin ein Flüchtling aus der Ukraine. Gerne helfe ich ihnen bei der HausReinigung, auch im Garten und bei anderen Aufgaben. Ideal wären 4-8 Stunden pro Woche. …
Hi! My name is Kim and I am currently residing in Saas-Fee for a short period of time and would like the opportunity to find a position that is flexible in terms of hours to coincide with my home busi…
Hello. I like to keep my house in order and I will gladly help you with cleaning. I also open to help in the garden and with another tasks. You can rely on me. Ideal will be a cleaning job of 3-4hou…
Hello, My name is Renata, and I have seven years of experience in cleaning. I am here to provide you with the best service possible. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. T…
Bonjour. J'ai plusieurs années d'expérience dans le nettoyage, aussi bien dans des hôtels que chez des particuliers. J'accorde beaucoup d'attention aux détails et j'aime vraiment faire le ménage. Je…
Ich bin schnell, zuverlässig und akkurat. Habe viel Erfahrung mit Kindern, Tieren, Garten und bin zeitlich flexibel. Ich finde auch den Dreck hinter dem Regal oder den Staub im Abluftfilter. Ich verst…
Hello, I am a Spanish girl, I am currently working in the mornings and I would like an extra job in the afternoons. I have been working for many years cleaning homes and buildings, I am very responsi…
Bonjour.Je m'appelle Laryssa.Je suis méticuleuse de nature et fais attention à chaque détail lors du nettoyage.Je suis très motivée dans tout ce que je fais et pour moi le nettoyage est plus un passe-…
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