Earn an average of CHF 28.-

Find suitable jobs in your area quickly
You decide, which jobs you accept
Your work, your pay – you keep 100%

Who should use Homeservice24?

Private domestic helpers, cleaning companies or self-employed domestic helpers can quickly find jobs in their area with Homeservice24. Determine your wages directly with your client, based on your experience and qualifications. Receive 100% of your salary as we won't charge any commission fees.

Private helpers

Private domestic helpers

Cleaning companies

Cleaning companies

Self-employed domestic helpers

Self-employed domestic helpers

Sign up for free

Create your free account and specify your level of experience and qualifications.

Find jobs

We keep you up to date about matching jobs in your area. You just have to apply.

Legal employment
and fair wages

We assist households to legally employ their domestic helper free of charge.

Get started as a domestic helper today

Sign up for free

Fair payment for good work

You receive 100% of the wages you agreed on with your employer beforehand, without any commission fees on our end. Our service is free of charge for you.

Determine your salary based on your qualification and experience
You do not pay any fee or commission
Legal and insured employment without much effort

Work independently

Salary slider

Determine your salary yourself

Based on your level of experience and qualifications, you determine your salary yourself.

Availability table UI element

Fill your availbable time with matching jobs

We notify you about fitting jobs in your area, so you can use your time more efficiently.

Job list

You decide which jobs you want to take on

It is completely up to you, which jobs you take. This way you decide who you want to work with.

Reach new clients

As a cleaning company or self-employed domestic helper you can use our platform to reach new clients and to expand your customer base.

Present yourself as a cleaning professional and get additional jobs

Fill free availabilities with new jobs

Build long term business relationships with your clients

Acquisition made easy

Experiences with Homeservice24

More information for domestic helpers

Get started as a domestic helper today

Sign up for free

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