Hilfe bei Gartenarbeit gesucht in Spreitenbach
8957 Spreitenbach
Apply now
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
Take your chance - only a few basic members can still apply.
Apply now
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
Take your chance - only a few basic members can still apply.
Information about the job
Hourly wage
CHF 30
Work will start
As soon as possible
One time - 4 hours
Job description
Hallo. Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer Unterstützung für unseren Garten. Wir sind in Spreitenbach zuhause und der Garten ish eher gross.
Aufgaben: Unkraut ausreissen, hecke zurückschneiden usw.
Maximal 35.-/h
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