Suche tatkräftige Gartenhilfe in Knonau
8934 Knonau
Apply now
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
Take your chance - only a few basic members can still apply.
Apply now
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
After a certain number of applications has been placed, only premium members can apply for this job.
Take your chance - only a few basic members can still apply.
Information about the job
Hourly wage
CHF 25
One time - 20 hours
Job description
Hallo, wir haben einen Garten mit vielen Sträuchern, die geschnitten werden sollen. Arbeitsbeginn Oktober diesen Jahres. Wir wissen noch nicht, wie viele Stunden das in Anspruch nimmt. Die Sträucher sind hoch und stehen eng beieinander.