Maria Patricia

8803 Rüschlikon

Dettagli sul lavoro desiderato

Interessiert an folgenden Tätigkeiten
  • Pulizie
  • Stiro
Animali domestici
D'accordo con gli animali domestici
Fumatore o non-fumatore

Presentazione personale

I am currently working here in St.Moritz as a nanny and housekeeper. I have 8 years of experience as a household worker. I also have very good recomendations from my previous employer. I am looking for a part time or full time live out job, as a cleaner or doing the laundry or ironing everyday. I am very hardworking person and responsible enough for all the duties that will entrust me. I always have high respect to my superior or emplyer and very functual for my work schedule. Thank you and feel free to contact me if there is job available for me. English and spanish message only Please.

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