
4057 Basel

Dettagli sul lavoro desiderato

Interessiert an folgenden Tätigkeiten
  • Lavori nel giardino
  • Manutenzioni
  • Cura della casa durante l'assenza
Animali domestici
D'accordo con gli animali domestici
Fumatore o non-fumatore

Presentazione personale

My name is Dejan.

I am relatively new in Switzerland, still learning german (i can understand a lot, but have to improve my speaking), and looking for a part time job.

I have a lot of experience in gardening, housepainting, carwashing, and can do a lot of different housekeeping jobs.

I have a driving licence, but still no swiss license.

I am very serious with my work, responsible, hardworking, perfectionist and open for new experiences.

Call me if you need help for your house/garten, and i assure you, you will be very satisfied.

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