Searching for help - 7hrs/week (Wed or Thur) / Suche eine Putzfrau - 7std pro Woche (MI oder DO)

8489 Wildberg

Informazioni sull'offerta di lavoro

Pulizie e Stiro
Il lavoro inizierà
Con effetto immediato
Su base regolare - 7 ore alla settimana

Descrizione proposta lavoro

Hi, we are very sad to be saying goodbye to our current cleaner of 3.5 years as she leaves Switzerland, we are looking for a replacement. I am British, my husband is Swiss, and we have two young children (4yr old girl and 1yr old boy). We are looking for help every Thursday (or Wednesday) with our house, cleaning, washing, ironing, the house is 7.5 rooms which is the reason we need someone for 7 hours. If someone would be available for occasional babysitting it would also be a big plus for us, but not the most important. I look forward to hearing from you! Rosie

ps English would be appreciated, aber Deutsch wäre auch ok (meins ist aber einfach!)