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Wir haben 43 Jobangebote für Sie gefunden.

Cleaning help needed in Geneva

Hello. We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house. The job is to be done in 1201 Geneva. There are approx. 200 square metres to clean, and 3 rooms require attention. We will be happy to clarify further details in a personal conversation. We …

À la recherche d'aide au ménage à Le Grand-Saconnex

Nettoyage de 2 chambres, salon,cuisine et salle de bain. Lavage, cuisine 4 a 8 heures chaque semaine. Les produits de nettoyage seront mis à disposition.

Cleaning job offered in Geneva

Hello dear housekeepers! We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. We live in 1201 Geneva. We will be happy to discuss further details in a personal meeting. Help is needed only once. If you are interested, p…

À la recherche d'aide au ménage à Chavannes-de-Bogis

Bonjour. Nous sommes professionnellement actifs et recherchons une personne digne de confiance pour notre appartement. Nous recherchons une personne pour nous aider à 1279 Chavannes-de-Bogis. La superficie du ménage est de environs 90 m2, il y a 4 p…

Looking for cleaning service in Geneva

Hello. We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house. The job is to be done in 1205 Geneva. And our offer is CHF 25 per hour. We would prefer it if you could support us on a regular basis. Start date would be as soon as possible. Please contact…

Besoin d'aide pour le ménage à Genève

Bonjour chères aides ménagères! Nous recherchons une nettoyeuse responsable et attentionnée pour nous aider au ménage. Nous habitons à 1202 Genève. Il y a environ 40 mètres carrés à nettoyer, il y a 2 pièces qui doivent être nettoyées. Nous proposons…

Looking for a Maid in Vésenaz

I am looking for a maid with a European or Swiss working permit to do flexible hours during the week and must be okay to work sometimes on weekends as well. It's a declared job. She must be: - detailed-oriented, - organized, - very good at ironing,…

Gardening job offered in Chêne-Bougeries

Hello everybody. We are looking for a friendly and reliable cleaner. We are looking for somebody who can support us in 1224 Chêne-Bougeries. The household is 200 sqm., 8 rooms need to be cleaned. And our offer is CHF 20 per hour. We are looking for s…

Besoin d'aide pour le ménage à Champell

Cher personnel de nettoyage. Nous recherchons un personnel de nettoyage fiable pour notre ménage privé. Ce travail est à effectuer à 1206 Champell. Il y a environ 100 mètres carrés à nettoyer, 5 pièces sont à nettoyer. Nous proposons CHF 25 de l’heur…

Cherche femme de ménage à Vernier

Bonjour chères aides ménagères! Nous recherchons une nettoyeuse responsable et attentionnée pour nous aider au ménage. Nous habitons à 1214 Vernier. Nous proposons CHF 20 de l’heure. Nous sommes à la recherche d’une personne qui puisse nous soutenir …

Cleaning help needed in Geneva

Dear cleaners. We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our apartment. The job is to be done in 1202 Geneva. The household is 100 sqm., 8 rooms need to be cleaned. And our offer is CHF 25 per hour. We are looking for someone on a regular basis. It w…

Cleaning job offered in Vesenaz

Hello dear housekeepers! We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. We live in 1222 Vesenaz. There are approx. 200 square metres to clean, with 8 rooms to be cleaned. We also require babysitting two days per w…

Gardener needed in Pregny-Chambésy

Dear cleaners. We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our apartment. We live in 1292 Pregny-Chambésy. There are approx. 40 square metres to clean. And our offer is CHF 25 per hour. Help is needed for 2 hours on 31.07.2024. If you are interested, p…

Besoin d'aide pour le jardinage à Mies

Bonjour. Nous sommes professionnellement actifs et recherchons une personne qui puisse venir tondre deux pelouses avec sa propre tondeuse car la notre est en panne. environ 500m2 de terrain

Cleaning help needed in Le Grand-Saconnex

Hello. We are looking for a responsible support for our household. We are looking for somebody who can support us in 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex. The household is 180 sqm., 3 rooms need to be cleaned. Our offer stands at CHF 20 per hour. The job needs to …

Gardener needed in Geneva

Hello everybody. We are looking for a friendly and reliable gardener. We are looking for somebody who can support us in 1290 Geneva. If you are interested, please feel free to write and tell us a little about yourself. We would be very pleased to hea…

Looking for cleaning service in Vandœuvres

Hello everybody. We are looking for a friendly and reliable cleaner. We are looking for somebody who can support us in 1253 Vandœuvres. The household is 150 sqm., 5 rooms need to be cleaned. We will be happy to clarify further details in a personal c…

I'm looking for cleaning and ironing help in Commugny

Hello everybody. We are looking for a friendly and reliable garden helper, who can help us mowing the garden, cutting the hedges and trim the various plants around the house. We are looking for somebody who can support us in 1291 Commugny. The garden…

House help & childcare needed in Coppet

Dear all. We are looking for a reliable house help to support our family with cleaning, laundry and childcare. We live in 1296 Coppet. The household is 120 sqm., 5 rooms need to be cleaned. And our offer is CHF 27 per hour. We are looking for someone…

Recherche une dame de Grand confiance avec l’expérience

Chères mesdames, Je suis à la recherche d’une personne fiable et confiante avec l’expérience pour faire des ménages dans notre cabinet médical 3h par semaine ( en préférence les mardis 1h30 et les jeudis 1h30 , salaire brut 27chf Quartier Champel …

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Suchen Sie einen Job als Gärtner oder Gartenhilfe? Hier finden Sie eine breite Auswahl an Stellen für Gartenarbeit. Dazu gehören Aufgaben wie Bäume schneiden, Rasen mähen, Pflanzen pflegen und giessen, Laub entsorgen etc. Bewerben Sie sich in ein paar Mausklicks und verdienen Sie schnell und einfach Ihr Taschengeld als private Gartenhilfe. Diese Mini-Job Liste enthält Stellenangebote von Personen aus allen Kantonen der Schweiz (Zürich, Bern, Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden und Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Freiburg, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden und Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau, Thurgau, Tessin, Waadt, Wallis, Neuenburg, Genf und Jura), sowie aus den wichtigsten Städten (Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Biel, Chur, Delémont, Frauenfeld, Freiburg, Genf, Lausanne, Liestal, Luzern, Neuenburg, Rapperswil, Schaffhausen, Sitten, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Wil, Winterthur, Zug oder Zürich).